I spent the past week volunteering at a kids' camp for kids with Muscular Dystrophy. It was a good experience, but definitely presented its challenges for invisalign. The water at camp was well water and didn't clean the trays very well, so they got icky quickly. Plus, the way that camp was structured, we were frequently eating/drinking and it was hard to manage the removal/eat/brush/replace routine. There were days where I didn't keep them in as much as I should have, so I wore them an extra day before switching to the next tray.
At this point, switching trays has become sort of routine. They're tight for a day or two, but then start feeling pretty normal and I forget that they're there. I sort of like those days because I can feel them being tighter and it seems like they're really moving. I have my next appt. in two weeks to get the next group of trays, but I think that they're doing what they're supposed to do.
I'm not sure that I can actually see what teeth are moving though. I'm really anxious to SEE progress, and I don't think that I can yet. They originally told me that I'd notice around tray #10 (so, 3 more months), but I'm a little impatient. :)
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