An Invisalign blog to document my progress through 45 weeks of Invisalign braces
25 August 2011
Somehow skipped a week
Instead, she did the IPR stuff that she needed to, and then snapped in the next set of trays. Apparently because she did the IPR and created the spaces, I needed the next aligner that's designed to accomodate the gaps. So, I basically skipped a week of tray 8 and moved right into tray 9. I'm not complaining since it doesn't really hurt any more than normal, and it already feels like my teeth have largely moved into their new spots. Yay for getting done a whole week earlier!
In other news, the new gaps are between all of my front, top teeth. I think that they're REALLY noticeable. I asked one of my coworkers though, and he swears that it looks fine. Of course, I think he knows better than to answer those type of questions negatively. :) Here's hoping though. I have a first date next week, and I'm crossing my fingers on this one.
21 August 2011
After seeing a bunch of posts online about aligner chewies, I decided to order them and give them a shot. I really do think that they make the trays fit on better. Sometimes, I would bite down on paper towel because it was soft and help them seat better. The chewies accomplish the same thing, but you can chew on them for a bit.
Not much is new with my trays. My second IPR session is on Wed. Not looking forward to it... Not because it hurts or anything, but because food gets caught in the space until the teeth move together there. I also have a teeth cleaning on Tuesday. With how much I've been brushing and flossing since I got Invisalign, I'm hoping for a really clean check up. :)
13 August 2011
The count down begins!
200 days left until I'm done! It's gone surprisingly fast actually. This really is so much better than metal braces.